Water woes of the last one month have spurred many bucket thoughts in my head.
When there is no water, I end up moving the water-full bucket from the bathroom attached to the kitchen, to the Indian style toilet through the passage.
Quick search on google with some ...wishful thinking of course. I googled `bucket with wheels'. Voila.
They exist! Whew! And to think of, our country with so much water trouble has no buckets with wheels! Our women (yeah its mostly women) end up carrying buckets from public taps to homes, from one room to another at homes, and many a time, from homes to backyards. Interestingly, for all the reproductive hassles they go through, they are...expected to do it?!
Wonder why no one thought that ubiquitous bucket with wheels under it could be a business idea! After all, we have travel suitcases that have turned a billion dollar industry from nothing!
My eco-possibility hunting head also thinks aloud if there are other materials than plastic that could go into making those containers. That is...just a thought.
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